I. Have. PHP!
I put my nose to the grindstone this last week, and with a lot of help from CodeWithAwa I've finally got a much easier method of blog posting.
I've really learned a lot from this experience and I'm excited the website is starting to have some intricate functionality. It's one thing to throw some HTML & CSS templates onto a web server (which I'm not knocking; you do what you gotta do!), it's another ballgame to start adding functions, configs, includes, and database connections - oh my!
From here, I'm fiddling with CKEditor to get my YouTube embedding capability back. Oh the wonders of CDNs! It's made text editing so much better, but there's some technique to integrating that type of thing and getting just what you want. And boys and girls, I'm a lady who knows what she wants!
…Donuts and a fully developed site. There, see? Who says women don't tell people what they want. You just gotta listen! Or read. Or both.